Ensure your business is operating an efficient and effective delivery service.




Waybox is a comprehensive software platform designed to streamline and optimise delivery services for businesses.

With its range of powerful features and intuitive interface, Waybox empowers businesses to operate their delivery operations with efficiency and effectiveness. Waybox can be used as a standalone platform or seamlessly integrated with Redbox.

Product Features


Powerful Fleet Management

Powerful fleet management enables businesses to easily manage their fleet of vehicles, including tracking their locations, monitoring their availability, and scheduling maintenance tasks. This ensures that businesses can make the most out of their resources and minimise downtime.


Routing & Dispatching

Routing and dispatching is another critical feature of Waybox. The platform utilises advanced algorithms to determine the most efficient routes for deliveries, taking into account factors such as traffic conditions and delivery priorities. This helps businesses save time and reduce fuel costs while ensuring timely and accurate deliveries


Live Order Tracking

With live order tracking, both businesses and customers can stay informed about the status and location of their deliveries in real-time. This feature enhances transparency and customer satisfaction, as it enables businesses to provide accurate updates to customers and proactively address any issues that may arise during the delivery process.


Communication Between Drivers & Dispatchers

Waybox also facilitates seamless communication between drivers and dispatchers. It provides a dedicated channel for real-time messaging, allowing drivers to receive instructions, report issues, and seek assistance when needed. This streamlined communication enhances coordination and enables quick problem resolution.


Real-time Customer Updates

Real-time customer updates are another valuable aspect of Waybox. The platform automatically sends notifications to customers regarding their delivery status, estimated arrival time, and any changes or delays. This proactive communication fosters trust and improves customer experience.


Driver Payment System

The platform offers a convenient driver payment system, simplifying the process of compensating drivers for their services. It ensures accurate and timely payments, which contributes to driver satisfaction and retention.

The platform provides a robust and feature-rich dispatch platform that enables businesses to optimise their delivery services.

From fleet management to live order tracking, this software platform empowers businesses to enhance operational efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and achieve seamless coordination between drivers and dispatchers.

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